Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Update on Houston Ship Channel: 3/25 6pm

Posted on: March 25, 2014

Shortly before 1300 today, the Coast Guard began allowing ships to move through the safety zones established after Saturday's collision.   Deep draft vessels are currently moving outbound from Houston.  The Houston Pilots report 14 vessels have sailed with 29 more pending outbound and 46 waiting to come in to Houston.  Daylight only restrictions are in place on all movements in/out of the safety zones, with hours of darkness beginning at 1930.  Some inbound vessel movements to Houston could occur this evening subject to the daylight only restriction.
Tow movements are allowed in both directions on the ICW as well as into the Port of Houston.
All vessels are directed to check-in on channel 5A to coordinate movement with Houston Vessel Traffic.  VTS Houston Galveston will direct those movements based on emergency priorities established by the Port Coordination Team.

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